L-Sit And Progression

L-Sit And Progression – For An Incredible Core!

There are many variations on where to perform the L-Sit, in this article, I will be covering the movement from a set of parallettes. Don’t worry though if you haven’t got a set of parallettes you can improvise with two sturdy chairs or something similar.

The L-Sit will help strengthen your shoulders helping prevent injury. It will also strengthen your triceps and give you an incredible core, however, these benefits will not come easily, this exercise is deceptively difficult.

These are great exercises that will improve your core and body tension making it a lot easier for you to climb through steep, overhanging terrain and generally improve your movement when climbing. Watch the video and read the article, then train these L-Sit Progression exercises with good form for an increbible core!

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How to perform the L-Sit:

Start by setting up the parallettes shoulder width apart. Now put yourself between the bars and grip them with straight arms. When you are ready engage your core and lift your knees up so that your feet are off of the floor. Once in this position extend your legs out until they are straight out in front of you, and hold. This is the L- Sit position, as previously mentioned this is deceptively hard so it may take some time before you are able to achieve this.

Here are three progressions to help you achieve the L- Sit position.

The Chair:

The first progression requires you to hold the parallettes with your arms straight. Then when you are ready, lift your knees up so they are parallel to your hips with your feet off of the floor.

The Tuck:

This requires you to go into the chair position but instead of stopping when your knees are parallel, bring them all the way up to your chest.

One Straight Leg:

Come into chair position. Keeping one leg bent extend the other, holding that position. Remember when doing this position to alternate your legs.

Whilst doing the progressions or even the full L-Sit try and hold the position for twenty seconds and then rest, repeat this three times. As you get better keep trying to hold the position for longer. If you can do all three sets for twenty seconds then you are ready to increase your time.

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